Here we are, two days away from the
first day of Fall; and although I appreciate the arrival of each new season, I LOVE Autumn and Winter best!
Ahhhh... how I love Fall!
Fall is full of the cozy's: sweaters, apples, candles, baked goods, teas & lattes, roaring fires, crock-pots, books... my list goes on.
Oh, and I love to decorate for Fall! However, I
do make myself wait until October. If I do not wait until then I am tired of it all by Thanksgiving- which is when I
want to appreciate it the most.
So, while I wait.... I decided to try my hand at some projects!
I loved {and so was then inspired by}
Dear Lillie's "give thanks" pillow.
Here is how I went about it:
Give Thanks Ruffle Pillow Cover -
First- I grabbed one of my tired pillows off the couch, removed the pillow from the cover, and then used that cover as my "pattern" for cutting.
I folded the fabric {some type of canvas I found in the utility fabrics at Joann's} so that I would cut two equal pieces. Then I gave myself about 1/2 inch all the way around for the sewing, and just started cutting.
Then I cut a third piece, equally wide but half as tall.
This third piece will work folded on the back side of the cover, to insert the pillow.
Next, I grabbed some beige, jeweled wedding-veiling. Yup, I just so happened to have that lying around. Going to make a ruffle out of this.
Since the veiling is so sheer, I folded it in half to double-up my ruffle. Then I started cutting what I guess to be about 5 inches wide. {guessed being the key word}
Now here is where I forgot to keep taking pictures... {so I'll just give you a sneak peak as I explain}
I was distracted by the fact that my normal method for sewing ruffles using a high tension on my machine was not working! Disastrous story short... the easiest way to ruffle veiling is to bunch/scrunch it and then pin it.
So I scrunched, and bunched, and pinned it to my cover fabric as I went.
Then I sewed a straight stitch down the center, attaching the ruffle to the cover.
{Sneak Peak}
After attaching the ruffle, I knew where to write. First, I used a pencil to freehand script "give thanks"... I followed Dear Lillies and then added some little curly-q's of my own. Then I went over the pencil writing with a Sharpie Paint marker.
Next, I took the two back pieces for the cover and folded the bottom of each to just about 3 inches; and ironed that fold.
Then I pinned the larger back piece to the front cover piece. Pin: Right sides together or it's wrong. {Thanks, Sue} And after that, pinned the small back piece {overlapping the larger back piece} to the front cover. Again: Right sides together or it's wrong.
Now, I sewed all the way around, using a 5/8 seam.
Yay! Done!
So I folded the cover right-side open and stuffed it with the pillow. Pretty cute I think.
Fall Burlap Candle Wrap-
I was inspired by my sister- Laurin- who is preparing for a burlap Christmas, and recently started wrapping her candles in burlap.
I cut a strip of burlap {long and short enough to wrap my favorite BBW candle- Leaves} and then used my Sharpie paint marker to write out "fall" in the center of the strip. Then I wrapped the candle, using a piece of Scotch tape to temporarily secure the wrap while I tied some twine around it. I double wrapped the twine on top to make a little bow, and once on the bottom to secure the wrap on the candle.
Done. Love it.
What do you think?
What are you working on for the Fall???