
Monday, September 8, 2014

Let's Catch Up- Part One

I cannot believe it is now September and this is the first post of 2014 for this blog. Life has been busy. Very busy.

I feel like I am always saying that. But really it's true.
In fact, I'm pretty sure this has been the busiest year of our almost ten-year marriage.

Why so busy?

Let's catch up!

First of all-
We ended last year and started this one with a big winter renovation project. An old farm house with few windows and no siding.  {Did I mention we co-partnered with my parents and bought a cherry farm? The story of that will be its own post later}
So while the men worked away: measuring, sawing, nailing, and cutting holes in the walls (and all in frigid temperatures) Mom and I stoked the fire, prepared meals, and kept a pot of hot coffee brewing. Oh and we were the errand gophers.

During- A friend, my father, my father-in-law, and my Nick

Looking better

And in the midst of all that, another big thing happened. 

During a visit to the farm, I kept complaining about the smell of the heat and iron coming off the wood stove. It was overbearing and giving me a headache.

I also had some tooth pain, but forgot my medication at home. On the way back over the pass (homeward bound) Nick suggested that before I take any medicine I should take a pregnancy test- especially since I seemed to have super-sonic smelling senses again.

Soon as we were home, I took one. Then another. Then one more. I couldn't believe it!

I called Nick upstairs with an urgent holler. As he came up the steps and around the corner the first thing I said was, "You are not going to believe this."

We had been wanting baby no. 2... and although we were no longer doing anything to prevent pregnancy, neither were we actively "trying". We were a perfect balance of shock and excitement! 

Our little guy at 20 weeks
As I write we are currently 33 weeks along; 7'sh more weeks until we meet our baby boy, Parker Reed.

More about the rest of what we've been up to coming...


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