
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Moving Day

Today is moving day, and I am going to miss this ol' house. 

So many changes and memories made here that it feels as though we have lived here much longer than just two years.

Memories we'll take

  • Roasting marshmallows over our fire pit on the back patio almost every night in the summer
  •  Nicholas turning the big 3-0
  • Rachel and I learning to make cake-pops, past midnight, in a delirious state
  • Susan teaching me to sew at the kitchen table- my first project: Hadley's crib bedding
  • Nick and I learning about our pregnancy, baby, and birth in the comfort of our living room where our Bradley teacher, Twylla, was so kind to meet us {for 12 straight weeks}
  • Feeling our baby's first kick, sitting on the couch in the living room in the middle of a sunny day
  • Bringing home our Hadley for the first time, Mom there to greet us with Nick's favorite dinner, and the following days of being pampered and waited on by two fabulous  sister-in-laws
  • Hadley's first smile- holding her while sitting at the kitchen table
  • All of her baby landmarks- crawling, solid foods, walking, running, etc. in this home
  • Our first Christmas as parents {every holiday for that matter}
Our second night home

We are excited for what lies ahead, but this home with always hold a special place in our hearts. Its full of warm, loving memories.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Scripture Lullabies

Hadley  is down for her morning nap and I am sitting here, sipping my hot tea, enjoying the soft music coming from her room. 

About a month ago, a mom I follow shared "Hidden In My Heart" a CD of Lullabies taken from Scripture. We loved the idea of the Word of God being sung over Hadley as she sleeps, and quickly ordered our copy. 

Click Photo To Preview Songs

I have to tell you, we love our CD! 

Orchestrated like a movie score, each song flows right into the next with no pause in transitions. It is so soothing. Peaceful. 

I wasn't aware Hadley knew how to turn the CD player on, till one day I heard Scripture Lullabies suddenly playing. She wanted to listen while she played. :)

Some of our favorites are: 1) Be Still And Know, 2) And the Peace of God, and 5) Love the Lord.

On the back cover you can find the Scripture reference listed under each title. 

I am so excited about this that I have been sharing with all my mommy friends... and now you too!


Wednesday, May 23, 2012


We're moving! Again. But this time for good!

After years of leasing we are finally purchasing our first {together} home. :)))
{More about that later}

We. Are. Moving.


And I have just started packing.

It's slow going over here since the Baby and I have caught colds.
So our current materials lists consists of:

  • Moving Boxes
  • Purging Boxes - for items to Goodwill
  • Packing tape & Large Sharpie
  • Pen, Paper, & Brightly colored labels 
  • HUGE box of Kleenex
  • Ricola Cough Drops {Honey Herb of course}
  • And an abundant supply of hot tea
I am striving for some solid organization in the packing process... but my head is feeling a bit fuzzy. 

Thank goodness for Emilie Barnes! {Survival For Busy Women} Using her system, every box has a number with a corresponding index card {I'm just using a notebook} listing its contents . I now know where every item is located without having to dig through boxes- I just flip through my handy-dandy list. 

Each box is also color-coded with bright stickers to easily and at-glance indicate which room it belongs to. Example: Blue- Office; Yellow- Kitchen; Orange- Family Room, etc. 
Simple Brilliance. 

Do you have any moving/packing tips to share? I am all ears! Allow me glean from your pearls of moving wisdom! 

Happy Wednesday,

Friday, May 18, 2012

Peace that Passeth Freak-Out-/Pull-Your-Hair-Out/Meltdown Mode

You know those days?

We've been having them in sequence around here. 

When you would prefer to be in control, but the only answer you have is, "I don't know."

I should be stressed out. I should be nervous. I should be renting my clothes and putting on satcloth and ashes.

Every situation of those dear to us -even our own position- screams anxiety.

Yet, we're okay. Really. In fact... we even have joy. 

Why? How? 

We have been given the perfect remedy.

"Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice."

We're rejoicing.

"Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful {stressed} for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."

We are choosing to give thanks. And in turn, its making us thankful. :)

"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

We're accepting peace.

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

We're setting our minds on truth. His report. His promises. 

And we're holding on to this...

"Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you." Philippians 4:4-9

Embracing His Peace,

Monday, May 14, 2012


Slander. Gossip. Babble. Its everywhere.

And its seems this worldly, fleshly craving has been creeping into what should be a safe haven... the church.

I will admit to you that I have been wanting to broach this subject for a while, but I've waited. I needed to calm down first.

Slander has been showing its ugly face in different circles of my friends and acquaintances, and honestly?? I doesn't make me sad. It makes me angry.

Pardon my directness in saying...
It's not concern. It's not encouraging. Its not love. Its not Christ-like. Its fake.

Why do we keep talking? I began to wonder if the excess of communication tools at our finger-tips has caused us to over-communicate... but I see this problem has been around for generations.

How do we put a stop to this epidemic?

We stop talking. Stop criticizing. Stop informing. Stop "sharing."

We stop listening. We hang up the phone. Delete the text. Maybe we find some new friends.

We pray for discernment. If they're talking to you, they're probably taking about you.

We commit to closing down the blabber and using our words to uplift, encourage, and love others.
Its time to exercise some boldness.
You with me???


Friday, May 11, 2012

Memories for Mother's Day

"The best gifts are not ones you buy, but the memories that you make."

This year we wanted to do something special for Mother's Day.

Gifts for Grandma and Grammy made by Hadley. 
Finger- paintings and a photo capturing her joy in those moments of creativity.

 Hadley loved the paint. 

She loved squishing it between her fingers and then patting it on her legs.

She would spread it around, and then wipe some more on herself.
This was probably her favorite thing we've ever done. 

It was all giggles, squeals, and paint... everywhere.

Ready to see the winner???

Our sweet girl and those big blue eyes.

One finger-painting and photo framed for Grammy complete.

And for Grandma, one canvas finger-painting and framed photo.
Momma may have helped with this one. 
Just with some peel & stick letters.

This is without a doubt our favorite gift given. 

I will cherish the wonderful memories of this day.

And to all my Mom friends...
Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

the Green Lamp Story

I have been needing a new lamp for our guest room. I have been wanting a good green one.

This past weekend was a Do-It-Yourself/Honey-Do Saturday.

We {ok, Nick} finally got around to painting Hadley's dresser.

We stripped the table-top of our black office desk to stain the top, so our desk will look like this.

And we also went Goodwill hunting, which is where we picked up this saucy number....

Only $8.99?!

Okay, truth be told... I probably over-paid for Goodwill. But this will work perfectly.

{Drum roll, please}.......

One 80's Lamp-                   8.99
One can green spray paint- 3.00
Lamp Shade -                      Free {already had}
White Ribbon-                       .97 
Grand total of                   $11.97

And it looks like a million bucks! 

Or maybe just $50.

What do you think?

**Tip: To paint brass first slightly rough-up with some sand paper. Then spray {lightly} one layer... allow a few minutes to dry somewhat... repeat....and repeat...and.. well, you get the picture. This will allow the paint to coat evenly without running.

Feeling crafty,

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Menu Printable

I need my menu to be on display. 

If I don't see it, I forget it.
And I forget it, then I forget to thaw it.
And if it's frozen, well then we're getting take-out for dinner... and that defeats the entire purpose of menu planning. 

You can find our weekly menu on side of the fridge; usually handwritten on a nice tacky piece of notebook paper with torn edges. This has worked well.

But now we're gettin' fancy.

My honey-bunny left his laptop at home this morning, so I whipped this up this little number on Publisher. 

{Click to Download and Print for yourself!}

After printing the menu I simply slid it into a clear sheet protector and wrote out my menu with a dry-erase pen. Next week we'll erase and start over.

Now. About yesterday's menu planning. Want to know how it went?

Monday- BBQ Sloppy Joe Sliders & Spinach Salad
Tuesday- Cajun Cabbage & Oven Frieds
Wednesday- Slow-cooker Chicken Thigh w/ Chili Corn, Brown Rice, & Broccoli
Thursday- Asian Turkey Meatballs w/ Lime Dipping Sauce & Bacon Beans
Friday- Mom's Tortilla Soup w/ Juanita's Chips & Caesar Salad
Saturday- Leftovers w/ Something Green
Sunday- Soup Sunday* {youth fundraiser}

Happy Tuesday!



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